In my life this week...I have been worrying. Worried that we don't have enough food storage and emergency supplies, worried about the pain my sister has been having this week, worried about the safety of the neighborhood (an 80 year-old woman was shot and killed in her home just a few blocks from my house), ok...I have just been worried this week!
In our homeschool this week...I have been planning for next year. We are almost finished with our current year and we don't take many breaks...we will start our new year just a few weeks after this one ends!
Places we're going and people we're seeing...the girls are going to see "Fiddler on the Roof" the musical with hubby, Grandma and Papa on Saturday!
My favorite thing this week was...spending TONS of time outdoors with my children. The weather has been amazing this week. Spring doesn't last long in this part of AZ so we are taking advantage of it while we can...SUMMER will be here in a few weeks (if not days...we are supposed to hit 100 this weekend)!
What's working/not working for us...everything is working fine. Ok...other than that elusive schedule/routine!
Homeschool questions/thoughts I have...Do you do a quiet time? If so, how long does it last and what activities are your children allowed to do during that time?
A photo, video, link, or quote to share...first a link (about the woman murdered down the street) and then so we don't end on a bad note a link to something fun:
Link to new report about woman shot in her home.
Fun Link