In my life this week…
I have stayed home, attended Facebook and Twitter parites and won some really cool homeschool products (I will blog about them soon)! Hubby went back to work yesterday and we started our more structured school-year routine.
In our homeschool this week…
Monkey practiced coloring (his new thing is to say he "needs help" to color), tracing lines, patterning and even some color by number.
Ladybug worked on adding, reviewing her sight words, dictating stories and painting Bible stories.
Unicorn finished Anne of Green Gables
, did some sample lessons of Teaching Textbooks 4 (and ASKED to do more...about gave me a heart attack), practiced writing captions for photos and painted Bible stories. Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
Tonight my sister is coming over after work and after we get the kids in bed I get have a sleep-over with her (NO KIDS)! Then tomorrow we will clean and run errands together!
My favorite thing this week was…
Unicorn asking to do more math! This is amazing because up until recently she thought she was no good at it and hated it. She still isn't confident with her abilities but at least she doesn't hate it anymore. I think finding the right delivery for it helps. She likes that Teaching Textbooks is on the computer and reads the problems to her. Now I have to find a used version that doesn't cost $120 (we can't afford that right now). I am looking/bidding on e-bay so we will see. What’s working/not working for us…
Is starting our school year slow. This week we worked on our routine, reading, writing, math and religion. Next week we will add in one more subject...I'm thinking a family one like geography.
Questions/thoughts I have…
Besides e-bay and paperback swap, where do you look for deals on curriculum when you can't afford the retail price? I’m grateful for…
My relatively empty calendar for August!
I’m praying for…
My sister's house (in PA) to sell quickly!
A photo, video, link, or quote to share…painting the "Tower of Babel"