Saturday, January 15, 2011

Week in Review ~ Week 18

~Family Accomplishments~

~Started "back to school" after taking 3 weeks off to attend a funeral for Grandma, spend time with visiting family, celebrate Christmas, move (again) and go see Shrek the Musical!
~Finished unit on Charity
~Started unit on Order and Goals
~Review of Articles of Faith
~Completed our 85th day of school

~Unicorn's Accomplishments~

~Completed her "Give Thanks" unit
~Started "Discover the Prophets" beginning with Joseph Smith
~Increased her Math Age +.26 years in 12 hrs.
~Completed 3 assignments in Latin with a 93% average
~Completed lesson 20 in Typing with 21 WPM and 96% Accuracy
~Finished reading the December Friend
~Read the January Friend
~Wrote in her Journal
~Completed Louisiana, Indiana and Mississippi in her States Notebook
~Started reading The Witch of Blackbird Pond
~Started reading Leven Thumps and the Gateway to Foo

~Ladybug's Accomplishments~

~Learned about the following careers: Mail Carrier, Firefighter, Doctor, Police Officer, Dentist, Construction Worker and Bus Driver
~Made projects that relate to the careers she learned about
~Wrote in her Journal
~Focused on the letter "D"
~Began blending vowel-consonant-vowel words
~Increased her Math Age +.25 years in 3 hours and 47 min.
~Completed Lesson 12 in Click 'N Kids with a 93% average

~Monkey's Accomplishments~

~Learned about the following careers: Mail Carrier, Firefighter, Doctor, Police Officer, Dentist, Construction Worker and Bus Driver
~Made projects that relate to the careers he learned about
~Wrote in his Journal

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