In my life this week…we went camping! It was a last minute decision to join my parents up at the Mogollon Rim, Arizona. We enjoyed cooler weather, canoeing, kayaking, fishing, hiking, relaxing, caterpillars, birds (especially a hummingbird that kept buzzing our heads), snakes (yep, a couple garter snakes), and some other not-so-enjoyable wildlife (insects).
In our homeschool this week…we enjoyed nature and did some reading while we relaxed.
My favorite thing this week was…watching Monkey hug his papa's legs and say "I really love you Papa"!
What’s working/not working for us…taking a little break is working for us!
I’m reading…Harry Potter
. I read the first book while camping and am 150 pages into the second book. I’m grateful for…my bed and my shower (especially after camping)!
I’m praying for…safety for someone we know is in trouble and that things will go smoothly for my sister's upcoming job change and her move to AZ.
A photo, video, link, or quote to share…a workbox link-up (and Giveaway)! The link-up didn't go up properly while I was camping so it will be open until next Wednesday (then only weekly from 8pm Arizona time on Tuesdays until 11:59PM Arizona time on Wednesdays).